Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Digoxin daze

It seems that some of the unpleasant, yet common side effects of digoxin have started to kick in big time. The diarrhea has subsided, thankfully, which I attribute to Kate's helpful pineapple juice suggestion. However, the nausea, headaches, and vomiting persist, as does the most fun side effect of all: confusion. Huh? I feel a little dizzy, my brain feels fuzzy and slow, and I generally feel pretty out of it.

The "didge," as Dr. K. affectionately calls it, has been around for over 200 years and is derived from the foxglove plant, digitalis, so I feel pretty comfortable taking it, especially if it is helping Natalie (mother=martyr, as my friend A. put it), but these next four months of feeling a little dazed and confused are going to be interesting, to say the least.


laura said...

i'm so dazed and confused already that i can't imagine something that compounds it! hang in there.

Anam Cara said...

I am so sorry you are suffering from such awful side effects. Wow, that is tough. I hope that it works for Natalie. Thinking of you lots. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to see how you are coping. Sounds like you have your hands full. So relieved that Natalie is doing well and you are hanging in there.
Love to you both.