Tuesday, May 16, 2006

More frivolous baby things

To keep my mind off how anxious I have become in these past few days, as we approach the final 10-week countdown, I thought I'd bore you with talk of frivolous, though necessary, baby things. (Please don't think I've lost my mind, I'm just trying to distract myself from the paralyzing sense of fear and dread that could easily overtake me at any moment.)

Our stroller arrived, and we love it! I'll come clean--the stroller is indeed manufactured by Zooper, but I ordered it from (shhh!) Pottery Barn Kids. This particular stroller was made especially for PBK by Zooper, and most closely resembles the 2005 "Swing" and the 2006 "Hula" styles (the biggest differences are the rear wheel width, the fabric, and PBK label, which though subtle, may be offensive to your aesthetic sensibilities--it slightly offends mine, but I'll live with it for the price!).

The stroller is substantial, handsome looking, and easy to maneuver. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the stroller came with extras like a UV cover, infant seat adaptor, rain cover, and boot, which manufacturers like Maclaren and Bugaboo would gladly label as "optional" and charge extra for. It is surprisingly made in the U.S.A. and the customer service office (based in Portland) is amazing. If you are stroller shopping, be sure to check it out, and act quickly--it was a major steal at $129.99 (originally $249.99). I can only assume they didn't do well because lots of parents find it unsettling to buy a stroller from a furniture store, and perhaps it wasn't clear who the manufacturer was. If you need more convincing, the Zooper was a top pick in this year's edition of Baby Bargains (another must have item!).


laura said...

you are my hero! good for you! there aren't many things as satisfying as getting something truly excellent for half the retail price.

laura said...

hey, alysse - you asked me what i say when asked if this is my first: i usually say, "no, my first child, my son, was stillborn last year, at 40 weeks," (because if i don't say when, the next question is always, "how far along were you?"). when i'm asked generally in small talk if i have children, i usually say, "we have a son, who died." when i make either statement, in those fashions, i almost always get, "oh, i'm sorry," and unless they have a tale of loss to share, that's the end of the conversation, which is okay with me! i do sometimes get some follow up questions, if someone is genuinely interested, because they had a loss, or know someone who did, and i think because i was direct, those people feel a little more comfortable asking me direct questions. if they don't want to talk about it, then at least because i've been straightforward, they have an opportunity to say they're sorry, and they don't walk away feeling as bad as if they just walked away.

does that answer your questions? how have you been responding to those questions?