Thursday, April 27, 2006


We had our weekly meeting with Dr. G. today instead of Friday. All is still well with Natalie's heart in terms of size, function, etc. but Dr. G. did point out that a very minute amount of tricuspid regurgitation (TR) was present. She repeated several times that she was not worried about this, and that we shouldn't be either, and that it was most likely of a transient nature, but it's hard not to feel anxious and scared. DH and I are not worried, per se, and I know that Dr. G. would not hesitate to let us know if she was truly concerned based on our past experience with her, but it's hard not to become overwhelmed with fear and anxiety over the slightest little blip, when we want so badly for every doctor's visit to be perfect.

On top of that, I have spent the past few days trying to deal with thousands of dollars in medical bills, insurance problems, benefits, claims, referrals, authorizations, etc. No one seems to be on the same page, everyone is giving me the run around and pointing the finger at some other department, and it's starting to wear me down and put me in a nasty mood. Welcome to the joys of high risk pregnancy and obstetrics.


kate said...

I am sorry, it should be easier than this...

And i am hoping & praying with you that TR is not anything to worry about....

lorem ipsum said...

I don't know what tricuspid regurgitation is. It sounds like something about gagging on teeth. But I'd be concerned too - it's hard not to worry after everything you've had to go through. And I know that sounds like I don't know, and I don't, so let's just leave it with...


Muddystingbee said...

i'm hoping that everything is OK!

I also wanted to let you know that my irritated Britney rant was in no way triggered by anything you posted! It was actually several real-life conversations on a day when I was feeling crabby to begin with. I'm sorry if it seemed like I jumped on you!

I kind of shot myself in the foot on that one, because now everyone seems to think I see nothing wrong with Britney or her nasty husband, which couldn't be further from the truth. ;)