Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tales of a babywearer

Natalie celebrated her one month birthday today, while Daddy finally figured out how to make the most of the New Native sling. It literally puts her to sleep in minutes--proof that "wearing the baby down" really works!


Clare said...

what a beautiful photo of Robert & Natalie. one to treasure for sure.

Cheek said... the Daddies and their little girls.

I'm glad the New Native is working for you - Pi hated his and was a Bjorn-only baby until he could sit up. Then he liked the sling hip carry, but we couldn't make it work in the New Native and had to get a different brand. DH was not thrilled at the money we spent on various and sundry babywearing contraptions.

Eli said...

aaaah, so adorable! so good to see. can't wait to meet your lovely daughter in person! I brought her back a present from Portland. Maybe one of these days I could deliver it?

Julian's Mom said...

Just to clarify, she HATES it when I put her in the sling and screams her head off every time. Daddy wins on this one (and yes, he too is irritated by all the various contraptions we've "wasted" money on and said no when I said I thought she was ready for a swing)! She is still too little for the Baby Bjorn, so I am stuck with the stroller for now. It's a bit cumbersome, but at least it feels safe and stable.

Emma's Mum said...

sooo cute - I can't believe she is 1 month already!

delphi said...

It suits him.

lorem ipsum said...

Natalie the trendsetter. Love it.

Cheek said...

Oh, and happy belated one-month-day to the lovely Miss Natalie!