In the meantime, I polled the women of SPALS and received the following recommendations that may be helpful to someone else out there. If you have other recommendations, please let me know!
-9 out of 10 rent vs. own
-1 owner recommended a product by Nicolet Vascular, which can be rented from (physician Rx required)
-The following companies were recommended for rental:
- (7 recommendations)
- (1 recommendation)
- (1 recommendation, physician Rx required)
- (1 recommendation)
-Rental fees range from $22-$49 per month. Multi-month pre-paid rentals andmonth-to-month rentals available. Most companies will apply rental feestoward the purchase of the doppler if you end up wanting to keep it.
I rented a doppler from, and it was the best $25/month I've ever spent. It was nice to have constant reassurance on my night stand. I was able to hear him at 10 weeks. I kept it until 23 weeks, when I went into the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy. Good luck!
PS- I know that Babybeat does apply your rental fees toward the purchase, should you decide to do that.
I never thought i would consider renting a doppler either, but after reading several newly pregnant women's thoughts on them, I think i will seriously consider it.
So i don't have advice, besides do it if you think it will help!
I am still so torn on this. I am 27 weeks and haven't/still don't have one, but am seriously considering renting one now. I was afraid during the 1st-2nd trimester that I would use it improperly, or way too much, and just freak myself out. And I thought once I could feel the baby move regularly I wouldn't want/need it. But since, for my peace of mind, I want to the baby to move ALL the time (which we know they don't) I am tempted to get one now because I seem to be getting more scared the further along I get.
So I don't know what to tell you. But since I have yet to hear someone who used one during pregnancy regret it, maybe it is not such a bad idea??
Gratefuul for sharing this
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