Tuesday, January 17, 2006

12 week update

Well, I'm feeling a little better since my last post, probably due to a combination of the following:

  1. extra 25mg of crazy pills
  2. acupuncture treatment for anxiety and morning sickness
  3. bigger belly = evidence of a growing baby + passage of time (can you tell I am impatient?)
  4. no more holidays or anniversaries for a while, no more 2005 ever
  5. attempts to focus on the supports I do have, rather than those who have disappointed me
  6. realization that I have the choice not to tell anyone about this pregnancy until they absolutely need to know, which will probably have the bonus effect of making the pregnancy seem shorter since I will have less time to worry about potentially idiotic/unhelpful/hurtful comments/questions/advice

I have my FASTER (First and Second Trimester Evaluation of Risk) screening for Down's Syndrome and other aneuploidies tomorrow (also known as a nuchal translucency test). Wish me luck!


Catherine said...

Good luck!

SWH said...

Good luck!

lorem ipsum said...

Good luck! You're doing great!